Mr. Journal,
Today I recieved a phone call from Dr. Luu in regards kidney stones that my father having. It appears that this is the second time that hes having kidney stones. Damn, makes me wonder if I’m next in the family tree.
Second of all today’s subjects that I talked with a few patients are “knowing when to stop?” Its really hard to know when to stop but thats one of the most common issues that everyone has these days. Sometimes we’re blinded with our own satisfaction and totally forget our surrounding. Living on this planet I realize that sometimes we have to give up our dreams to do whats right. Though I want alot of things to work differently and what I want to me seem is correct. In reality its not right. Thats pretty much what I learn on this planet. The statues to figure out when to give up your own dreams to make the world a better place. For instance like our president right now. Mr. Bush still precieve his own dreams as the American dreams. The most powerful nation in the world is having issues and falling apart. I had a few hours of talk with co-workers regarding this issues of knowing when to stop.
Third of all I learned something new! I went in for a lazer skin treatment with one of my co-worker. She took out hair spray (hmm it makes me wonder what she was doing)! I figured that she used it to keep the patients panties sticking to their ass. hahah makes me feel stupid!!!!! Till this age and I didnt even know that! how sad is that?
Fourth topic of all! I dont know where to start. Today I did a few readings regard long distance relationship vs close relationship. There’s alot of cons vs pro from what I see to long distance relationship! I dont know if I Should give myself a chance again. It’s totally a big risk because I dont want to be the one to get hurt! Today’s theres billions of people there so the pools are too big to pick the right fishes. There’s alot of success stories and fail stories I read from email. But should I give it a try? Ahh its so hard eh?
Five topic, work work work! Why the hell did I choose this job? Working my ass off everyday and thinking of a brighter future? hey dont think that I’m crazy now! I choosed to move to New York in the first place cuz I had a dream. I had a dream that I want to be someone. Now that I succeed I’m very very happy! So far I’m doing good with saving up I suppose. My plans for 4 million savings still going on! Though it may take me like 6-8 years to complete that goal but its all worth it. I can retire early and make up all the years that I lost being a kid. Thats why most of my friends say I have the best smile out of them all. From my past entries and about me page remember that I always said smiling is the best way out of life.
this email makes me so proud of myself!!!!!!! Ahh back to work! closing the door till then but reopening it till someone can slap me awake!
Final topic of the day! How can you tell that someone really loves you or really just saying it? Well over all I guess I’ve been runing away from the four letter words and been doing alot of stupid things. I’m avoding trying to figure out if one person really loves you or not. Thats one of the reason why I’m constantly forcing myself to work all the time so I dont have to think about it. How can you actually tell that someone love you? just sit there and listen to words in return? Meh, I give up. Closing the door once again! When you try to conpensate an Alien off this planet theres always alien friends who drag the one special alien for another residentual! I give up! recieved over 8 phone calls of threats today! Gaaaaa
Cardin Nguyen