Ahhh, long hours of work…
Today, I couldn’t stand sitting at home and doing volunteer work. I went on tibia to talk to a few friends then log. Every 2-4 hours Tran called but I had to bite my heart and not answer the phone. I decided that its better for her to find another husband/boyfriend.
Well anyways skip the love part. I know it hurts but hell I can’t always talk to you about it. Anyways today I woke up and ate rice with vegetables. Today was my first day without meat (no chicken, no pork, and no meat of any kind). It was very heard not eating meat. Two weeks ago I bought a pack of lettuces from HaaoHao in seattle. I chopped it up, put a little sugar, and a tea spoon of salt thats it. I made my first soup.
It was really heard eating soup and rice. It takes so plain Every bite I took I thought of everything. It came so clear to me. Every rice I swallow I could feel the thickness of it. I never ate anything with this kind of peace in my mind. I enjoy eating the rice that I made. Though deep down inside I’m crying becuase I kept thinking of Tran. But the rice and soup gave me peace for those moments. I didnt think of her those moments.
Beside eating today, I develope some website and did some email response for customres/clients. Its so hard putting myself in their situation. I spent all my days writing their email response and still havent sent them. …..
thats about it. thats my day toay.